You Guessed it , he is a very rich guy>:), faumuse almost instantly , and staring in the movie "cherry Bomb" he is definently one of the top ten heart throbs of Brittin , but he is an idol from china to mexico. His audition as a kid to "Harry Potter" was a rap, and the cast directors saw "ron" in his face and voice.Below is a video of him at an interveiw, watch him , and youll see why he is the hottie of the week.
did i menchen he has a cute acent (and im not lieing , its kinda like mine , but more pronounced;im sseriuse!the first thing people ask me is"are you from En-"no "are your parents from -" no "is your family from-" no " wher-" i dont know where the accent came from. at this point i answer questions before they are asked , ill make a video)