Sunday, April 5, 2009


hey!!! do you ever go online and find a game , and u cant stop playing?well i just did , it was almost imposible to tear my hand from the key bord and go to blogger to post this!its this game on nick, well i realy want to go play bow , do ya mind? thanks ur the best!

u know u love me,
Gossip Qween
eeeep!!its so exiting , 2night is the wedding !! its 2night at midnight, yhey! ive got this prety dress , i have to im the flower girl :). there is also a sun set whach @ about 6 , but i wont be dresses up 4 that :(.

you know im cooler than you,
gossip qween

Saturday, April 4, 2009

give entertainment donate a TV

hi!!! i was sitting in my room andad a revolution .all pepple should HAVE to own a TV.this way nobodys jealous , and the kids who DO own a TV wont feel bad.the name of this campain will be " give entertainment donate a TV" .
you see kids will buy new TVs and give them to us so we can donate it to the needy .

poast your opinion in the comments section , no opinion is worthless .

to donate an opinion cantact us (me) at..
call - 1-800-entertan
thank you

by the way this is a joke , these #s & e-mails dont exist , so dont try it !

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey pep`s im soo bored!!!but gorge lopez is on so its OK.i dont know about u but im adicted to texting so i have 2 be careful , i dont have unlimited! so im fluent in english and text.well i do have some gossip , wanna hear ,i know u do dont lie!

the boy luv triangle(s)?
i dont know about ur school but at mine there


hey!!! guess what its almost easter and im running a save the bunny campaign.

you see if all the bunny's are killed then who will put out easter eggs!

soo "save the bunny`s!!"

the pic is thanx 2
just so you all know this is a joke im not even going easter egg hunting this year

u know u wanna be me

Gossip Queen

spring break

hey pep`s and not pep`s! whacha up to? me,not much but who cares !!! its spring break!!! im so exited !!!im going out of state and to a wedding !

well here`s some gossip

E is going to Cuba!!! lets hope she gets back ;)
U is going to Tennessee cool ,(i wish i could go)


but lets stop makeing those people upset and sad , still no school for a WEEK then testing but still, no school!!

u know ur jealous